No more guesswork. Know exactly how your expressions will evaluate in real time.
To err is human. Identify mistakes as they happen and take corrective measures.
Data at your fingertips. See what data is available without asking your development team.
Dropkiq is a tool I wish I had time to build 5 years ago. It would have saved my colleagues and customers countless of hours of frustration, and my company tens of thousands of dollars.
Generate your application's `dropkiq_schema.yaml` file in minutes with the Dropkiq Ruby Gem. This file describes your applications Liquid schema so that Dropkiq understands how your data is interconnected. Then, tell Dropkiq what data is available for the current context, and immediately get suggestions.
Since Dropkiq understands your application's Liquid schema, our autocompletion can help you to write Liquid expressions using "dot notation." Help your users to confidently construct expressions knowing what data they have available to use. Save time and money by eliminating your current trial and error process.
Dropkiq intelligently suggests variables that are declared on the fly, such as variables from assign, capture, or for loop tags. These variables are captured at runtime and appear in the dropdown menu along with all other variables that are available to the user within the current execution "Frame" of their liquid document.
Dropkiq will show your users exactly how the liquid will output at the time they are writing their liquid expressions. Liquid is actually rendered to be as accurate as possible. Any filters that are used in the expression will be accurately shown.
Define hints in your dropkiq_schema.yml file and they will appear to the user when they hover over the (?) icon. For applications with hundreds of liquid methods, this is a must for your users to understand what data they have access to.
When a user types a {{, the closing }} is automatically added making writing Liquid as seamless as possible. The same also works for writing {% %} tags.
Once you type a |, Dropkiq will list all filters that are available along with a helpful hint and real-time preview. Dropkiq guides your users to enter any filter arguments upon selection. Filters are no longer only for advanced users!
Calculate your total potential savings of using Dropkiq versus building and/or supporting yourself.
Download the basic version for free to see how it works in your application. Once you're ready, purchase a Pro license to unlock the full set of features.